Tech Hub
Useful Information from your Local Trusted Technology Experts

Intro Buying Guide to a Great New Computer
The holidays are coming, and so are the computer deals! While the excitement of a new computer is real, it's important to avoid getting stuck with one that can't keep up. Fear not, tech newbies! This guide will help you make an informed decision and help you spot hype vs reality.

Cloud Data Backup Solutions for Businesses and Home Owners
Does the thought of losing all your data make you shudder? What about accidentally deleting a file only to learn it has been permanently deleted…for real? That's where backups come in.
Let's break down the pros and cons of cloud backup vs. local backup.

Managed Security Service
Malicious actors are always devising new ways to steal data, disrupt operations, or hold you hostage with ransomware. Without a personal relationship with your cyber security provider, you may find yourself being duped when support is needed by talking with a cyber-criminal masquerading as a legit support person.

Simple Tips to Keep Your Laptop Battery Healthy
Life is grand with a new laptop... Everything runs smoothly and the battery seems to last forever. Then overtime, you need to keep your charger plugged in more and more just to make sure you don’t run out of juice. Or even worse, one day it doesn’t even turn on! WTH??
If you search the internet you will find lots of articles with various responses. After reading several different articles, we found a few tips that popped up most often and to save you a lot of time, here is a summation of what we found.